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Why beginners should stop worrying about pageviews

Great works always get recognition. Sometimes it takes less time to get the recognition, but in most cases, it takes time. In blogging jobs, you can't get quick recognition. But if you're able to produce very quality content that helps readers to achieve your business requirements, then you're the ultimate boss. But how to do this? Can you make this happen quickly? Not. To become a successful blogger, you need page views. To get the page views via proper organic web traffic, Blogspot post writers need to wait for a long time. If you're worried about your page views, then this blog is for you. Keep reading. Blogspot posts views

It takes time

Most of the Blogspot post writers start worrying about the page views in a month. No one in this world can bring organic web traffic within a month. Blogging is work that takes time to get recognition. Even if you're writing 2500+ words for a blog post, it will take around 3-6 months to produce the organic web traffic.

Google Blogspot post writers stop the blogging works within 2 months when they came to know zero organic web traffic is achieved for their dedicated writing, and this is the reason why blogging is considered a failure. If every blogger continues to contribute unique content for 1 year, page views will increase tremendously. If you're a blogger, never lose hope, and keep writing. One day you'll achieve what you deserve as a blogger.

Read Youtube Marketing for Blog posts, and try marketing your blog posts via youtube to get better reach. Doing this will help you get page visits. Even though you can make page visits possible with a youtube channel, always keep in mind, it takes time to build organic web traffic.

Mistakes might occur

New Blogspot post writers commit mistakes in the early stages of their blogging life. If you're making mistakes, use google analytics and find the errors. Fix the issues and warnings as early as possible. If you fail to fix the content mistakes, you can't get google AdSense approval for the earning.

Writing a 2000+ words blog is never an easy job. If writing is difficult, do not try to use the content from the other website. Your page score will be affected when you do like this, and you can't even get your Google Blogspot posts in the search engine results. Stop making silly mistakes like invalid image URLs or page URLs in the website, these types of mistakes will also affect the quality of your blogger page.

Need time to build internal links

Internal link building strategy helps to improve the page views in less than 3 months. But to achieve this, you need at least to publish 30 Google Blogspot posts on your blogger page. After doing this, start linking the other blog posts in your new blog posts to get increased page views and customer attention.

Instead of concentrating on copy-pasting the other youtube channel video links, use your internal links and own youtube channel videos to get a better reach. As I said earlier, internal link building also takes time to bring potential web traffic, so work patiently to improve the quality of the content every day.

Marketing helps in long run

Potential organic web traffic takes time to hit your Google Blogspot posts. So instead of worrying about the blog page views, you can bring some views via social media and other possible platforms. To achieve this, you have to start focusing on digital marketing. Read Importance of digital marketing for Blogspot posts, and learn why it is important to follow the marketing strategy for your blogging works.

Start building your marketing strategies, and it will help you in the long run. Read Digital marketing trends to be followed in 2022, and start the marketing jobs with the help of the best marketing companies near you. If you avoid digital marketing, you can't taste the success that you're anticipating in your dreams.

Earning is permanent

Although a Blogspot posts writer struggle in the beginning stages of writing, the growth would be phenomenal in the long run. Google Blogspot posts help them earn on a large scale with the help of Google Adsense. If you are a blogger, keep your hopes alive for one year and write unique content regularly on your site. You will start getting the page views with the help of keyword mapping. If you're not familiar with keyword mapping, read How to do keyword mapping for blog posts?.

We're in the end of this blog post now. Hope you might get some relief as a new blogger after reading this blog post. Stop worrying about the page views, and start focusing on delivering the quality content everyday. One day success will strike your doors strongly. Good Luck!


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