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How to insert proper internal links in your blogger posts

Bloggers love to write engaging content for visitors. Every blogger knows the only way to attract visitors is possible by offering quality and unique content on the website. Even though Google Blogspot allows a blogger to write an unlimited number of words in a single blog post, it is not possible to give all the information on a single blog. That is the reason why internal link building plays a huge role here. Internal Link building

Difference between internal link and external link

If you take a website URL from the alternate website, and use the URL in your site, then it is called an external link. These types of links aren't going to give any value to your site. The reason is when you ask your Google Blogspot posts reader to navigate to an alternate website, the visitor will jump to the next website and the chances to come back to your site again is very less. This is the reason why external link building is always dangerous.

While on the other hand, if you take internal link building, you can build links within your website. For example, you're running a car accessories blog website. When you're explaining the car tier, you can also attach the blog link that explains about the other essential automobile parts. If you don't have such blog posts, write similar kinds of related posts frequently to make a better internal link building. If you have no idea about how to write the articles, hire a digital marketing agency to get this done. Read Tips to note down before hiring digital marketing agency before hiring.

Should we avoid using external link building in Google Blogspot posts?

Always do Blogspot writing if you're very knowledgeable about the topic. Avoid writing on a subject you're not experienced with. If you know the way to write on a topic that is available on an external site, write the blog post and do internal linking. If you're not interested to write on that topic, you can go for the external link building. But it is mandatory to follow the internal link-building strategy to get good rankings in the search engine results.

How to insert links?

There is no special talent required to start linking the posts in your Google Blogspot. When I start blogging, I thought it is a tough job to do. Later it becomes easier for me to link one post with another.

If you need to know how to interlink the post, check this link.

Here in the above blog post, you'll be able to see how I interlinked three other blog posts inside a single Google Blogspot post. When I write the above blog, I needed an extra piece of information. If I copy-paste the same content, it will fall under plagiarism, so I used the internal link-building strategy. This strategy is completely legal, and the search engine will give you good rankings for your blog.

Check the below video to know how internal link building should be done

Mistake to avoid in Internal Link Building

A blogger should use different links on every website. Most of the bloggers target to use the blog post link that has maximum views so far. If you follow marketing strategies like this, you can't get views for the other posts. Try to use different blog posts written already on your website. Quality blogging is more important than quantity blogging, so never try to follow the cheap tricks. If you do so, then it will backfire on you one day.

The Conclusion

Blogspot writing becomes fun when writers came to know what exactly needs to be done on the blogging site to keep the views high. Internal Link Building strategy is also one effective marketing strategy to keep the visitors stay on your site for a very long time. Hope this blog helped you know how to insert links within your website. If you're new to the blogger community or haven't done link building yet, start today for a better search engine reach. Good Luck!


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